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Amplifying Black Voices: William Shoki

Writer's picture: To EmpowHER To EmpowHER

We spoke to socialist, student, researcher and writer William Shoki about the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

William, who is based in Johannesburg, introduces us to what the Black Lives Matter movement is, when, where and how it originated in the United States of America.

The conversation lends insight into his thoughts on the successes of the movement and where it falls short in forwarding the fight for an equal and just future. William advocates for the adoption of a class-conscious agenda that acknowledges the intersections of class and race in the oppression of Black people.

Read the article 'The class character of police brutality' by William to understand the role of class in structural oppression.

William takes us further into why it is important for South Africans to care about Black lives and how South Africans can take the struggle to new heights.

Watch the video below to hear from William:


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